Dear 2019 MACNA enthusiast, I have good news. Volunteers are now able to sign up on the MACNA site for the days, hours, and jobs they would like to help with. See the link below or you can type in MACNA 2019 and go to the bottom of the page to find "volunteer" and sign up with relative information and then expect us to contact you as time goes on with further instructions if needed. I will be coordinating individuals at the event each day as they show up, and use my best judgement with the information individuals provide, to place folks into jobs and projects as they are needed. At that time, shirts, badges and so forth would be distributed. After volunteer time is completed appropriate rewards will be handed out based on time served and MACNA's standards listed on the sign up page.

A typical volunteer should decide which day or days they will be at the show and arrive according to those plans. They would check into the front conference area and get individual volunteer instructions. After completing the time, they would be awarded some sort of compensation for time volunteered based on the MACNA standards for volunteers, what suits their individual show interest, and the staffs judgement. Expect to be working flexibly with others on tasks like filling gift bags, watching exits, helping with raffle, and set up/ tear down jobs. Typically a light lunch, snacks,and drinks are available. Arriving before the show opens Friday allows folks to earn entrance into the show as a attendee and so forth. I expect a group of 30-45 individuals to be communicating, helping, and working together to accomplish this conference. I participated in 2017 as a volunteer along side Bayou reef club members Thursday - Sunday, and I must say it was more fun than being an attendee and very rewarding, and I will strive to make this MACNA just as fantastic for the volunteers for their hard work.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I will have a New MACNA direct email shortly for direct correspondence, so its appropriately monitored and accessible by all the staff.
Thanks and I am looking forward to working with everyone at the show and having a great time.

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or click Volunteer here