fish transport advise related.... make sure no more than two or three in a bag of at least a gallon maybe of water you wanna throw away anyway once you here. alot of times they ship with a ton of chem in the bag to knock down ammonia and release free oxygen. As well as fill the bag with pure 02. Better to have forty buckets of live fish n coral than 3 of all dead fish n baked corals. Sounds like a chore. At one of our meetings we discussed emergency life support as a few pumps and one of those kiddy pools for a day or two.. maybe that will work till the tank is set filled hooked up and then a few hours to stabilse chemical lvls. try n bring as much of your original water as you can. if you put all your coral into brand new clean water. that will be a large shock from what there used to. even though its prefect parameters water.. there used to the old parameters. so having that old water is login to do you more good than bad in that sense..
Travel safe.