Welcome Jason,
Nothing like a new tank project to get the wheels turning.. things I consider a must on a 100+ is house water supply at the sump/ filter RODI location with a gravity drain at the same a small sink is really nice, dedicated power with a power outage plan maybe a small generator around some where, two smaller ac systems vs one large one for solid temperature control as it gets hot fast in fl if an AC has a bad day, and space to expand n work as the setup matures.

Your welcome to come check out my place or ask for more details on how I have done mine. I am a third generation residential construction guy. I built my home with the lines where i wanted my tanks. I also converted my detached garage into a fish room recently. I have water lines going to n from all my tank locations to move new n old SW around as well as get rid of waste n so forth and it really helps towards the over all goal of consistency and manageability long term on bigger systems and multi systems.