Well update 5-17-2015

Installed the DA controller and setup was fairly easy. The PC4's are labelled and I need to secure wires so that I have a neat setup.Will post those pics as soon as I finished that part of the project.

He is a pick of the controller showing current conditions:

A funny thing happened the other nite! I happened to wake up in the middle of the nite around 3am to a beeping sound. Immediately I knew it was coming from the reef tank. I got up out of bed and opened the cabinet door to find the dosser at work letting me know at 3am that I was out of AlK and needed to add more lol!! Well needless to say I turned the alarm off and now I monitor the jugs and and so far it takes two weeks to go thru the jugs. I may still opt to turn the alarm back on or I may have DA controller monitor it but I will need to add another PC4. Currently researching stuff about the new DA device called "Archon."

Anyhow the halides came in I went ahead and labeled them and started the process of acclimating the tank corals and fish to the new radiums. Started with 3 hours and am in the 2nd week and added an additional hour this week to 4. I plan on staying at around 5 hours total for metal halide photo period. I may opt for 6 hours but depends On how the corals are colored. In my past experience 4 hours was just enough and I had a colorful tank. But with all the new acro's I have acquired I am excited to "cook" them as sps aholics say lol!

As I had stated in the last update I had ordered some acro's from BSA corals. I came across this guy thru Facebook and those that have ordered from him are very satisfied customers.The corals came in and were packed very well.

After acclimating and dipping they were placed in tank. i will go ahead a dip again in 5 days. First dip revealed nothing the frags were very clean. But will do it again.