First, congrats for getting the spawn and taking the time to learn how to raise the fry.

I agree with Iggy about the baby brine. I don't use them for my clowns (I do feed them to my Banggai juveniles though.) I skip the brine and go right to Otohime A. I usually start trying the Oto A around the 4th or 5th day, depending on how fast they are growing.

The key is to not overfeed at this point. Just add a tiny bit at first. Most won't take it on the first try and you don't want to risk lowering your water quality.

After a few days most of the fry should accept it. It's important to keep up with the rotifers until they are all weened onto the dry foods. As they get a little bigger I start testing them with frozen Cyclopeeze, great coloration, and larger dry foods.

Good luck!