I have introduced myself to this club once before but when i did that i was still living in brevard county. well now i am living in the waterford lakes area. today i moved the tank here to my new home. all went well, hopefully there will be no spikes in my parameters. all i lost in the move was a cleaner shrimp. could have been much worse. well with the move out of the way, today i went to the LFS that is right around the corner from my house. it is called Aquaria Studio. nice shop, they had some really sharp corals. anyway, the owner told me that being a member of this club will give discounts at many shops. but he said that i needed a membership card. what do i have to do to get the membership card. he said that i need to present it to him for a discount of 10%. every bit helps so if anyone knows the answer to my question i would appreciate the insight.
Thanks everyone,