Another quick update.. things have been very steady. i have remained at the same dose for the past two weeks.. i may up it a bit more next week to try n find the upper limit.

I still show 0 on my test kits. But i can tell there is more nutrients in the water now zoas are doing better over all "larger". Over all coloration and growth have improved. if anything the monti plates may have some adverse effects like white around the rim in certain spots. but by no means am I'm saying its from the No3 dosing.. too many other factors are possible ATM including growth rate increases. once i find some sort of upper threshold then ill know for sure if the occasional white color at the new growth edge of the monti caps is related to no3 amounts of not.

I'm sure its had over all positive effects at this point but i'd not say its amazing or anything. just noticeable positive. its possible i can double the dosage again and still not have an issue as i have a high quality skimmer and good husbandry with Auto WC an all that which would keep things in check anyway. no new algae growth increase either.