I'm trying to find out the best way to frag my hammer coral and duncans does anyone have suggestions that have worked for them???
I'm trying to find out the best way to frag my hammer coral and duncans does anyone have suggestions that have worked for them???
What does the hammer coral look like? If it has multiple heads yes if not, I don't think so.
I would assume the same for the duncans. However, ive never done this.
Don't be affraid to google.com stuff .
Link to a nice photo site on fragging duncans.
014-16 Web Admin/Secretary, 2013 Merchandise Coordinator/Web Admin, 2012 Public Relations/Merchandise Coordinator
Name: Phil
Years Exp: 13 years
My In-Wall 125
The Duncan has around 30 heads and the hammer around 10.
Awsome. Follow the above steps for fragging. Wheres my Duncan? :p
014-16 Web Admin/Secretary, 2013 Merchandise Coordinator/Web Admin, 2012 Public Relations/Merchandise Coordinator
Name: Phil
Years Exp: 13 years
My In-Wall 125
Your title says frogspawn but the post says hammer?
I have fragged my frogspawn using a dremmel with the cutoff wheel. It works real good to cut off branches. Some say you need a diamond wheel but I did not have one at the time and used the standard wheel which worked fine. I would think it would also work the same for the duncan. However, they do sell a diamond cutoff wheel for the dremel.
I've never done any frogspawn or hammer but I've cut many duncans. If th duncansy are long branching ones then cut them with the dremel, as low as possible. If they are the shorter more compact ones cut them down lengthwise into the main stalk. They have veins that go down into the stalks and if you cut them off too high they will not survive as well.
2009, 2010*and 2011 ORCA Mentoring Director. Proud to serve on the Board of Directors.
(and I have no idea where the asterisk is coming from....)
Use a dremel for either though, as they will both do poorly with clippers
2009, 2010*and 2011 ORCA Mentoring Director. Proud to serve on the Board of Directors.
(and I have no idea where the asterisk is coming from....)
Thanks for all the advice guys I will post pictures when I get a day off to give it a shot. I might just trying fragging the duncan first and see how I do.
Good Luck.
014-16 Web Admin/Secretary, 2013 Merchandise Coordinator/Web Admin, 2012 Public Relations/Merchandise Coordinator
Name: Phil
Years Exp: 13 years
My In-Wall 125