wow quite a video. nice. like the scuba diver affect (wish i still had my underwater camera ;-( ) Bunch of sticks will be huge soon, I like. tank is looking good.

in part of the video there a pan, is that yousing the Foscams?

I am battling a similar alge. what are your weapons? I am doing larger water changes, blowing it off the rocks, changing filters more, and sucking it off the sand.

Got to check out the gyre at macna. it was the final production style prototype. so not the offical one. moved a impressive amount of water, in a reef. but it was a bit disappointing. Kind of a tipical china product. a bit cheap looking not sure about its build quality and longevity. they say it comes with spare parts to wash while you put it back in action. I wonder if this is due to failure rate of the parts or need of frequent cleaning. the idea is great, time will tell. worked well for going up the Mississippi. they are saying October for release. just in time for holidays