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Thread: Impatient Reefer Returns after 15 years

  1. #1
    ORCA Forum Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Impatient Reefer Returns after 15 years

    Hello all,
    My name is mile and I an a alcho... I mean impatient reefer.
    I started the hobby 15 years ago (when I was a teenager), and stopped 2 years after. I recently picked up the hobby after buying my daughter a goldfish. I just happened to be in Petco and saw there tiny saltware experience and the bug was back. Shortly after I convined my wife to let me get one little, tiny tank that won't tale up much room at all. That was when I picked up my used 24 gallon JBJ nano cube, fish, LR, water and all. Two Months later that tank was packed and could not add another piece of coral without stacking them.

    Two Months later, my wife was interested in getting "Bigger Fish", so I convinced her to get another tank... One for fish only. Well, that came and went, not we have a FOWL tank as well that has a couple puffers and aggressive monster hermit crabs.

    Well........ I started to look at getting a bigger reef tank if I could do it for cheaper. So I say's to my wife. Months of searching on Craigslist and the local stores, I picked up a great deal on a 120 Gallon pre-drilled unit. I had my Dad modify the existing stand and canopy, basically build all new, and I am letting it cycle as I type this. I am so excited I can hardly wait to add stuff into it. The goal is to absorb the nano cube contents an get rid of that tank. We will see what I can get away with there. I was thinking sea horses for the kids.

    That is ,y current progress today on picking back up a true hobby that I can now list on my FaceBook page. I was really worrying that I had no hobby.

    Thanks for bringing me aboard.

    (The impatient reefer)

  2. #2
    ORCA Forum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Welcome back! Your story is basicallt everyones story ostarting out small then HAVING to go bigger. The wives almost always go for the "bigger, prettier" fish. lol.....good luck. Lets see some pics when you can. What equipment are you using?

  3. #3
    ORCA Forum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Leesburg, Fl
    Welcome to the forums! You'll find great advice here from local hobbyists, reefers, and addicts lol. and I have to agree with the constant need for a bigger tank.

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